This is from Bishop T.D. Jakes on the miracle of the loaves and fishes:
"You know the story as well as I do, that there was a little boy there with two fish and five loaves of bread and then the begins to occur. And He took it and He blessed it. Then I'd like to talk about that because He's blessing something that is not enough. Until you can be thankful for the thing that is not enough then what you have cannot be multiplied into what is more than enough.
We are certain that He had two fish and five loaves of bread when He blessed it, as He broke it that's where we lose count. You understand then that the blessing is in the breaking. That that refuses to be broken refuses to be blessed. It is the breaking of life that is the blessing of life. Now I know that there are a lot of you don't understand that because you yourselves have refused to be broken but I have noticed in my life that the most blessed people I have met in my life have gone through something that broke them."
"His name, El Shaddai, means more than enough, why would a god whose name means more than enough stop at enough."